I think I’ve had this game more than 13 years. It’s still great, I still play it. Thanks to the developers for keeping it going; it even runs on Macs now. I do miss the original music, though.
I think I’ve had this game more than 13 years. It’s still great, I still play it. Thanks to the developers for keeping it going; it even runs on Macs now. I do miss the original music, though.
It has a setting to turn off sounds, so that’s good. However even with sounds turned off and music turned off, it still has a full volume blast of unwanted startup jargon. Hey devs? Having a no sounds setting means, (NO SOUNDS). I don’t want some startup theme song intro. One star. Less than one star.
It just created the best “zone” for playing.
Very much a casual game. Auto resumes when you close and reopen. The soundtrack is brilliant too!
Glad the game was updated to play on newer phones but the physics are different and easier to die. Also - what happened to the leaderboards?! Disappointed.
Love love love this game and have for years. One of my exes introduced me to it and I have since introduced it to all my exes and my now husband (not ex). Everyone loves/loved it. I just wish there was an original sound fx mode. The opening music was so peaceful! At least they kept the robot voice!
Thank you for the update to work with iOS 14. A top game that stands the test of time. Tons of replay value
I bought this game over a decade ago for $4.99 or maybe a little bit more or less. It is still on my phone all these years later and is still one of my favorite casual games. It completely boggles my mind that it is still getting updates to keep it running on the latest iOS! What a fantastic commitment from the developers!
I absolutely love this game! I’ve had it on my phone for many years. I would love to see an Orbital 2 that has some new game modes and is modified to fit the IPhone X screen! Pleaseeee make another Orbital!🙏🤞 Dear devs..this is still one of my favorite games. Been playing since the release and it’s now August 2020. Pleassseee make a sequel with new modes, power ups full screen and new crisp graphics 🙏🏼
It doesn’t have to be full screen. Please! Thanks!
This game is FUN! Three different games in one. Awesome colorful graphics and I really like one of the two tunes in the game. The only drawback is you can’t select one tune over the other to always play. This game is addicting!
Seriously? You can’t keep updates coming to support newer IOS versions?
One of my favorites forever. Now it just plays the opening animated logo for bitforge over and over. Never get to play anymore.
I’ve had Orbital since my first iPhone (4s) and I LOVE it. I only play Gravity mode, which is the perfect game for me. I’d even say it’s the perfect simple iPhone game. What I love: - it’s super simple and extremely well done - it’s pretty/fun to look at - it’s challenging - I haven’t beaten my own high score in years - restarting after a loss is FAST, painless - it’s ‘Bizarro Tetris’! > ‘blocks’ are circles > they go up, not down > defaults to resting; player controls pace of game > targeting is proactive not reactive > and the consequences get less predictable and more stimulating as the field fills in whereas Tetris is simply a relentless closing off of options I find it the perfect mindless game for when I’m listening to an audiobook or podcast or just feeling fidgety.
I love this game but can no longer play it after upgrading to iphone 11. It crashes back to home screen after startup. Please update this great game to work on new IOS versions and devices. Will update to 5 stars if it becomes playable again.
Just repeats the opening screen and exits if you tap on anything
I’ve enjoyed this classic game for years, through many iOS updates. But, sadly, iOS 13 seems to have broken it. Please, give us fans an update! Thanks in advance...
Anyone who got this almost 10 years ago still play? I still miss the old title screen song.
...and so hard to put down! That was my original short review from many years ago when you first brought out this app. However, I just launched it again today and found that I couldn’t do anything to get any sound working with it again. Checked app settings, mute hardware switch, phone volume, uninstalled and reinstalled (d’oh, lost game history now) and rebooting the phone. Still no sound. (iPhone XS, iOS 12.2)
And I still love it. I especially like SuperNova mode. A great time waster.
Fun and challenging game. I play on an iPod Touch and if there is no connection to the server and I exit the game, it forgets my high scores. I have lost several Top 5 scores this way. Argh. Fix the scoreboard server already!
I downloaded this game in 2007, and have literally been playing regularly ever since.
I appreciate the excellent update for iPad. However, I still miss the background music in old version. Could designer keep the original sound?
Still a great game after all these years, but I really prefer the original sounds, particularly the music.
The old sfx and music were so much better, now I play it on mute
I've been playing this game frequently since 2009 and I love it just as much today as the day I first bought it. No two games are the same. This is a fantastic one-finger gem for when you have a spare minute or two... or 200 if you just can't put it down!
One of my top favorite games. It's an old classic app from the early days (2009) but it was updated in 2015 .. the physics and graphics and UI are all up to modern tech levels. Highest recommendation. 👍🏻 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I loved this game. Been out for awhile. Re uploaded time and again. Very fun, simple, yet unique. The update was a pleasant surprise but....frankly, the game is too loud. One of my favorite aspects was the original sound effects. How things exploded but was still kind of muted so it wasn't overkill. I loved the tennis ball sounds when it bumped or .....basically I loved the original sound fx. I know u want spruce things up and making it more crisp is a nice touch but cannonball explosions etc is too much-too loud. At least put in an option to choose original game play.
A great game all these years later, but I would still really like a mode that more closely mimics the speed and simplicity of the original version by Wouter Visser. I don't like having the results of your shot obscured by fireworks, and the increased speed of the game means aiming is more a matter of luck than it was with the slower version. Also, I'd really like to have an undo version in some non-competitive mode. All too often I spend a long time setting up a great board only to ruin it with one stupid shot. I'd like to have an undo so I can see how that board could play out.
This game still rocks 5 years later. A classic.
I love this game and play it all the time. With the fix to ensure scores do not reset when you pause, it's back to the top of the list. Bitforge deserves huge kudos for taking the feedback and quickly addressing the issues identified by their customers. Will go out of my way to check out other titles by these folks. Thank you!
Was unexpected to get an update on this old game but sweet! Good work devs!
This game has been a favorite for years, and still is! Eye candy, fun & quick gameplay. Thanks for the update!
if the game is backgrounded for any extended period, the score resets to zero. for a good player, a great game is not always completed in one sitting. you're alienating your biggest fans. please fix. I'm running the latest version as of this review date.
I've had this for years thank you for the update add a do over as an in app purchase and you could get rich hint hint
Been playing for years, and it's a go-to game for relaxation. Old music was really great, but now it's grating. Any chance of adding the option of the old music and effects back for the classic Zen-like experience? :)
Loved the game for five years, why mess with success. Miss the music, hate the new sound effects. Can you rerelease orbital classic please?
I was so happy to see that this app was finally updated. I still play it after all these months. It's just fun! I also love the music. However, whenever I bomb out of a game, the app crashes. I hope it's an easy fix. Thank you so much!
If playing a game and you leave the app, if the app needs to reload, it will remember your game and let you resume but the score is set to zero. Can reproduce by force killing as well.
This game is so much fun! The graphics are awesome!
Hey this has been my fav game on here for 5 years but the new update seems to have shrank the "playing field" on my iPhone 5s. Maybe an update to adjust board to device?
I can't believe it. I thought this project was dead a long time ago. Top notch game. Thanks so much for making my favorite iOS game look beautiful on my iPhone 6.
The recent update to the game is great, but this game is so simple, fun and addictive it never even bothered me before that it didn't support larger screens. It looks glorious in its new larger size and is still a go to game for me when I have a few minutes. Slightly sad that the button order changed, as I have 5 years of muscle memory to break. 😅
awesome! addicting!
And two player on same device is a lot of fun! Update: couldn't ask for anything more than an update to Orbital's graphics for new high-end devices--and you gave it to me! THANK YOU!
I've had this app on my phone since it was released I still go back to it what a wonderful game that deserves more recognition than it has gotten. Thanks for continuing to support this game.
Just a great challenging game. Simple enough to pick up quickly. Challenging enough to take some skill. Quick enough to burn extra time when I need to. This game has stayed on my second screen since the first time I downloaded it.
I love this game! Can we get an update to support the iPhone 6 plus please?
One of the first games I downloaded when I switched to iPhone 3 years ago and I still play it for hours every day! Not too much has changed but I love the challenge, the visuals, and the gameplay. Highly recommended!